1. How To Win At Blackjack Strategy Chart
  2. Playing Blackjack Professionally
  3. What Is A Double Hand In Blackjack

Double Up Blackjack is one of the newer variants of the game and adds a little bit of spice to its traditional form by offering players the chance to double their original bet and potentially boost their winnings as long as the card gods smile on them and their strategy works. The house edge is a statistical way of measuring the casino’s advantage over the player.

How To Win At Blackjack Strategy Chart

I just left today after my first trip to Vegas. I was playing at the Stratosphere Casino and did well. I highly recommend them for comps and drawing entries for promotional chips. My last night I noticed a table called Double Twist Blackjack. All of the $5 tables were 6-5 for BJ, but they had a $10 table that paid 3-2. The Double Twist game let you play one or two hands at a time in your one spot (so each player can play 2 hands for a total of 12 hands on he table sometimes) and had side bets based on 3 card poker hands between yours and the dealer. The dealer said this game was about 3 months old there and it seemed to go unnoticed as a lot of people playing low money were using the 6-5 tables probably not realizing those odds aren't good. Has anyone else played this game? Thoughts? Wizard? This is my first post, great websites and forums!

Blackjack rules may even vary at different tables in a casino. Some casinos only allow players to double after splitting certain cards. The more changes to the original rules of blackjack usually mean that the house edge is increasing. When the blackjack rules allow players to double after splitting the casino loses a bit of their advantage. Remember that you are instructed, through blackjack tips that outline the Basic Strategy, to double with an 11 against the house’s four. Therefore, when you are allowed the option of DDAS, you would double your combination against the house.

I think I saw that game at the Raving/Cutting Edge show. Didn't know about the Stratosphere placement.
Here is a link to the math report.
As usual, the math report mentions a bunch of different pay tables. Do you happen to know the Stratosphere pay table and number of decks used?
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.
What is a double hand in blackjack

Double Twist Blackjack is a Blackjack side bet based on the 3-card Poker hands formed by the dealer's one up card and the first two cards of a player’s blackjack hand. Players win if their 3-card hand achieves a poker ranking of a Pair or better

Eh hem.
Personal website: www.ijmp.org
This sounds a bit like Derek Webb's 21+5, which uses two player hands plus the upcard and is patented, as well as Cr8tive Games Caribbean Blackjack.
I there any honor.....
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
What is double up in blackjack
What Is Double In Blackjack

This sounds a bit like Derek Webb's 21+5, which uses two player hands plus the upcard and is patented, as well as Cr8tive Games Caribbean Blackjack.
I there any honor.....

not even among murderers, as Sammy the Bull showed John Gotti.
On a side note, was the TWIST table also $5 minimum ? If so a player could have played 3/2 BJ, even 2 hands at a time, by not playing the optional side bet. If the table was $10 minimum, I imagine $10 players would bypass this ' NEW' game.
Jackpot 21 is a Blackjack side bet based on the 5-card Poker hand formed by the dealer's one up card and the first two cards of two player Blackjack hands, which wins if the 5-card Poker hand achieves a Pair of Jacks or better. The game may be played with a variety of pay tables.
Sure do seem alike.
Notice on video Caribbean Blackjack felt was designed for just 4 players ? Double Action Blackjack allowed 2 players per hand also, but accommodated 5 players easily, with no added trouble for the dealer. Just saying

Jackpot 21 is a Blackjack side bet based on the 5-card Poker hand formed by the dealer's one up card and the first two cards of two player Blackjack hands, which wins if the 5-card Poker hand achieves a Pair of Jacks or better.

Maybe that was what I was thinking of when I said I thought I saw it at Raving.
It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

Maybe that was what I was thinking of when I said I thought I saw it at Raving.

Mathematical analysis of
Jackpot 21,
Jackpot 21 Progressive
Double Twist Blackjack
Prepared for
New Vision Gaming
Progressive bet to go with Double Twist
Yes the table min was $5. I asked why no one was coming over to the table and the dealer thought maybe other players on the 6/5 $5 tables just didn't know or were thrown off by the name. On a side note the dealers don't care for the game because they themselves seemed to be preoccupied by paying out side bets and forgetting to check for their own BJ.

Playing Blackjack Professionally

I don't remember the payouts exactly or the number of decks. It was at least 6 though. Is anyone still there that could go check?

What Is A Double Hand In Blackjack

Man that was an awesome read . And now that I’ve read this I understand a lot more of what’s truly going on . I’m an excellent basic strategy / bet/ knowing when to double and split . All my friends we picking on me cause I wouldn’t hit those strong hands . But they were two hundred dollars down in one five deck shoot . I played for two hours , walked away with 300 only starting with fifty .
I was glad to know that someone with all this knowledge chose basic strategy, or excellent basic strategy as the technique of choice due to the house edge factors .
Thanks man , great article

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