Follow these hand charts and learn how to play your starting hands at Texas Holdem.

Raising From the Big Blind in Limit Texas Hold ‘Em November 5, 2007 at 10:31 PM August 11, 2020 at 7:56 AM by Staff In a past poker strategy article we talked about why raising from the BB with big hands like AA might be a bad idea. Know Your Position. The best position in Texas Hold 'Em is 'on the button.' When you're on the. Raising in Texas Hold’em. Raising in Holdem adds flavor to the game of poker and increases the size of the pot. Sometimes you will raise and sometimes you will be raised. If the pot has been raised before its your turn to act, You need to tighten up on your hand selection. Generally, a player in late position may raise with anything if the. Trashy – Hands like Q5o, J6o, 52o and 84o are among the weakest starting hands in Texas Hold’em and should never be played as a raise first in. The majority of Texas Hold’em starting hands are in this category, so it’s important to get into the habit of only selecting.

The charts below will give you a great starting point on how to play your starting hands. For all of you beginners, we recommend consulting these charts will playing online.

Rules For Raising In Texas Hold'em

We provide 4 separate charts depending on where you are seated relative to the dealer. You can find out how to play the Blinds, Early Position, Middle Position, and Late Position.

After the flop, you can consult the Drawing Odds Chart at the bottom, but you will also have to develop your reads, pot odds and other skills to develop your post-flop strategies.

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How to Read the Starting Hand Charts

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Let’s look at some examples of how to use these poker odds charts…

Early Position

88 77
A8s A7s

Unraised Pot

Call 1
Call 1

Raised Pot


* In early position, only call with A8s or 77 if there is already at least one caller in the pot. Fold if you are first in or if the pot has been raised.
Middle Position


Unraised Pot

Call 3

Raised Pot


* In middle position, only call only play 98s if there are already three or more callers. Do not call raises.

Check Raise In Texas Holdem

Late Position



Unraised Pot

Raise 1, Call 2

Raise First In, Call 1

Raised Pot

RR 1 Option, Call All

RR or Fold against 1 Player, Call 3

* In late position, you should raise with JJ against one caller or first in, and call against two callers or more. You have the option of rerasing a lone raiser; otherwise, always call a raise.
* Raise 99 when you are first in from late position; otherwise, call if the pot has not been raised. If the pot has been raised, you should either re-raise or fold when against a single player, or call if there are three players in the hand.




SB Unraised Pot

Raise 1 or 2, Call 3



SB Raised Pot

RR 1 or 2, Call 3

RR Lone Late, Fold


BB Raised Pot

Call (raise 1 or 2 limpers)


Call 2, or 1 Late

* In the small blind, you can raise or reraise one or two opponents with AQ, otherwise, call against three or more opponents.

* In the small blind, always call A9s against limpers. If the pot has been raised, you should reraise a late position player. You should fold if the raiser is in early or middle position or against two or more opponents.

* In the big blind, you can call with KJ against two opponents or a lone late player. Fold against a lone player from early or middle position.

With a little practice, you should be able to find the appropriate poker strategy very quickly. I recommend keeping these charts open to provide guidance as you play. May the odds be with you! – Matthew Hilger

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Raising In Texas Holdem

When you are in the casino at the beginning of a poker game, and you have lots of chips, the blinds are something you hardly notice. Towards the end of a poker night, especially if things aren’t going so well and your chip pile is lower than you’d like it to be, or the blind bets are increasing in size, then the blind can really eat into your stack.
Some poker games have antes – forced bets. But Texas Holdem doesn’t, meaning you can fold your cards without betting. Texas Holdem poker does have something called blinds though. They are another type of forced bet, but this time before you have been dealt your cards. Like antes, they exist so that there is a cost to playing, so the poker games don’t go on and on with players just waiting to be dealt a great hand. Paul Phua thinks that the blind keeps the momentum up, and ensures the game of poker finishes within a reasonable time frame – especially since the blinds often increase in value during a game of Texas Holdem to speed things up even further.

There are mainly two blinds in Texas Holdem – the big and small blind, but there can sometimes be three players who have to make them.

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The name comes from the fact that players are being asked to bet without seeing their hands. They are betting blind, with no knowledge of the hand’s worth. So in the casino, whether you hold a 2 and a 3 unsuited, or a pair of aces – before you see your hand it’s all the same.
Paul Phua says the blind also marks potential poker strategy. Depending on your position around the poker table in a casino, or a social poker night where the dealer changes as the “button” moves from player to player, you will have to give certain blinds. Being in the small blind spot on a poker table is a disadvantage because you will be the first to act in every round after the flop. But Paul Phua’s poker tip is to remember never feel committed to a pot simply because you have paid your blind, especially in Texas Holdem, and not be afraid to enter a pot if you have a strong enough hand.

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