- Omaha Hi-lo Strategy Starting Hands
- Omaha Strategy Starting Hands
- Omaha Strategy Starting Hands
- Omaha Hi Lo Strategy Starting Hands
- Omaha Poker Starting Hands
- Omaha Starting Hand Rankings
- Best Starting Hands In Omaha
PLO Starting Hands Chart

Omaha Hi-lo Strategy Starting Hands
Many players go into these games with a somewhat weak strategy and end up regularly donating to the game. In this article, we will present you with a basic Omaha 8 or Better cash game strategy to help you donate less at the tables and win more. In Omaha Hi-Lo the phrase “tight is right” definitely applies. But for any decent players being selective over starting hands is still of utmost importance, therefore the amount of hands played in 5 card omaha strategy shouldn’t different too much from regular omaha. Starting hands with pairs. Group 1: JJxxx, QQxxx, KKxxx, AAxxx – are all reasonable starting pairs. Starting Hands in Pot Limit Omaha (PLO) In Omaha, we naturally have more chances to make a hand on the flop than in Texas Hold’em. Our four hole cards give us many more potential hands, and so there are many more types of possible starting hands in Omaha. The strength of.
- If Hold 'Em is a game of strategy, then Omaha 8/b is a game of maths. At low limits, with lots of players seeing flops, reading other player's hands is largely irrelevant. Reading your own hand.
- A A K K is the best Omaha starting hand, but right next to it is, surprisingly, A A J T as it has much more straight potential than the third-best hand, A A Q Q. Almost all the top 30 hands from our chart have at least one strong pair in them: either A A, K K, Q Q or J J. Only two hands don't have a pair – J T 9 8 and K Q J T.
Here is a basic and conservative pot limit omaha hand chart for being the first to open (everyone folds to you) in various positions.
Note that “BBB” or “NNN” assumes the random cards are different (unpaired).
B: Broadway card (A, K, Q, J, T) ss: Single suited
N: Non-low card (K, Q, J, T, 9) ds: Double suited
x: Any card as: Ace suited
r: Rainbow ks: King suited
BBBB, NNNNss, ANNNas, AKNNds, AKQxds, AAxx, AKKxss, KK65ss +, KKBBr +, AQQxas +, QQxxds, 9988 +, TT98ss +, T988ss +, JTT9ss +, JJT8ds +, QQ98ss +, QQT8ss +, QJT9r +, A987as +, 9876ss +, T976ss +, T986ss +, QT98ds

Omaha Strategy Starting Hands
All of the above plus KK54ss +, QQBBss, QT98ss, QT98ss, J987ds, A876as, 9875ss, 9865ss, JJ98ds, 9987ss, 9877ss, T998ss
Omaha Strategy Starting Hands
Also play any BBBBds hand (paired or not)
Omaha Hi Lo Strategy Starting Hands

All of the above and add BBBxds, KKxx, QQ76ss +, A88xas +, 5566 +, 4567ss +, 5567ss +, 7765ss +, 8776ss +, A456as +, K765ks +, 9765ss +, 8654ds +, 9976ss +,TT86ss +, 9986ss + JT9xss +, T98xds +, QJ9xds +, QT9xds +
Also play any BBBBss hand (paired or not)
Omaha Poker Starting Hands
All of the above and add BBBxss, QQxx, A66xas +, A234as +, 2345ss +, 4455 +, 3567ss +, 4456ss +, 6654ss +, 7643ss +, K654ks +, 7754ss+, 8864ss +, J98xds +, 876xss+, 456xds +
Omaha Starting Hand Rankings
Best Starting Hands In Omaha
Start out same UTG, you then add hands slowly going up the positions in the chart depending on how much the BB reacts (if he 3bets light, uses positional advantage postflop, etc.). Note that you should be doing the same thing for the other position depending on what you know of the people left to act behind you (especially the BTN and CO).