Nov 06, 2017 What Is Cash For Invite? Cash For Invite (Cash 4 Invite) claims to be an online advertising company that will pay you to get others to join. They claim that you will basically make a bunch of money online without doing anything! Apparently you won’t be doing anything but getting other people to join their system. Nov 07, 2017 Cash For Invite’s current name is Cash 4 Invite. The fact that they’ve switched its name is a red flag as that’s something scammers usually do to mislead potential victims. It’s a ponzi scheme. Cash For Invite is a ponzi scheme because the older members are paid with the money the new members pay for the memberships. Cash for Invite Explained. Cash for Invite is a program that’s been around for a while. Even though this is true, their system has gone through some significant changes through the years. With that being said, it’s important to note that, in my opinion, the newer. Name: Cash For Invite Owner: Unknown Website: Price: Free to sign up Overall Rank: 1 Out of 10 Cash For Invite guarantees you that you will earn $1500 in your first week by completing the simple task of 5-10 minutes worth of work per day Cash for invite scam south africa. Sep 28, 2017 If you want to buck tradition and simply state that you would like monetary gifts on your invitation, add the phrase 'presentation preferred.' This is a polite way of saying 'we'd prefer cash as gifts.'

Getting married? Already have all the pots and pans? Here's how to ask for what you'd really like...

Traditionally wedding gifts were given to the bride and groom by their guests to help them to leave their parents homes and set up their new life together. Gifts such as kitchenware, bedding and ornaments were welcomed - However, times have changed.

So what do you ask for instead of gifts?

If you want to ask your guests for cash or vouchers, use our 5 easy guidelines and combine them with our handy gift poem cards:

1. Tell your guests how special they are to you and that your main priority is that they attend your special day

2. Let your guests know what you would like as a gift. Your friends and family would rather give something that you want of need as a gift rather than another set of pans that you really don’t need! You can send our gift wish poem cards along with your Invitations to let them know.

Approx 50% of guests will spend £50 - £100 on their wedding gift to the couple...

3. Let your guests know what you plan to spend the cash/vouchers on - whether it’s the honeymoon of your dreams or home improvements, they’ll love to know how their gifts will be used.

4. Provide a well-placed and labelled box at the reception that will safely collect all of your cards/gifts.

5. Say Thank you – send your guests a note of appreciation for their attendance and gifts, this will also serve as a lovely reminder of your big day.

Wedding poems to request the gift of cash:

We’ve been together for a few years now

We have pots and pans and linen and towels

We have glasses and toasters, really quite a few

So instead of more gifts, we suggest this to you

If it doesn’t offend and it won’t send you running

What we would really appreciate is quite simply money

We know choosing gifts can be such a pain

Cash For Invite

And this way there is no chance of bringing the same!


We haven’t got a gift list for all of you to see

because as you all know we never can agree!

But if you’d like to help us start our married life

cash or high street vouchers, would save a lot of strife!


We are sending out this invitation

And hope you will join our celebration.

If to send a gift is your intention

In modesty we would like to mention.

We have already got a kettle and a toaster

Cash For Invite

Crockery, dinner mats and coasters.

So rather than something we have already got

Please give us money for our savings pot.

But, most importantly, we request

That you turn up as our wedding guest.


So what do you get

For the bride and groom

Whose house needs things

In every room?

When shopping for a present

Please don’t be rash

As there is always the option

To just give cash!

We hope you don’t find

Our request to be funny

But we really would appreciate

A gift of money


If your thoughts were on a gift,

Your presence will suffice.

But if you really feel the need,

Then the gift of Sterling would be nice.

The choice is really up to you

And we would like to say

We hope you come, enjoy yourselves

And have a lovely day.


We’ve lived together for quite a while,

With all our pots and pans,

And as we don’t need homely gifts,

We have another plan!

We know it’s not traditional,

But it’s easier that’s for sure,

To have no wedding list at all,

Your attendance means much more!

For those of you who do insist,


We have a savings pot,

A small gift to add to this,

Would really mean a lot!


Our life together has already begun

And we almost have everything under the sun

So we both thought we would make a suggestion

To save you from all the searching and guessing

Instead of spending lots and lots

Just put some money with your card

And place it into our Moneybox

Large amounts are not anticipated

Any amount would be appreciated

Now that we have saved you all the fuss

We can’t wait for you to celebrate with us!


We made a commitment, some time ago,

Together through life, we were destined to go.

To save you looking, shopping and buying,

Here is an idea, we hope you’ll like trying!

Come to our wedding, to wish us both well,

And please make a donation to our wishing well.


Now we are to be Mr & Mrs

We don’t need a wedding list of dishes

We have a kettle, toasters, and microwave

And we have dreams for which we have to save.

If you would like to give us a gift

A cheque or vouchers would give us a lift

We like to think of it as our ‘Wishing Well’

Which will be filled with your love, we can tell!


More than just kisses so far we’ve shared,

Our home has been made with love and care,

Most things we need we’ve already got,

Cash For Invite Ideas

And in our home we can’t fit a lot!

A wishing well we thought would be great,

(But only if you wish to participate),

A gift of money is placed in the well,

Then make a wish …. but shhh don’t tell!

Once we’ve replaced the old with the new,

We can look back and say it was thanks to you!

And in return for your kindness, we’re sure,

That one day soon you will get what you wished for.


We don’t want to offend but we have it all,

All household goods and so much more.

To save you shopping, sit back and rest,

A gift of currency is our request.

Don’t go overboard or rob any banks,

Any little thing will make us smile with thanks.

We supply the wishing well,

No wrapping, an envelope who can tell.

Now that we have saved you all the fuss,

We’d love it if you would come and celebrate with us!

Don't fancy a poem? Here are some helpful paragraphs to inspire you:

Your presence at our wedding is gift enough, but if you do wish to make a gesture, a contribution towards our dream home would be much appreciated


We would prefer your presence not your presents, but if you would like to give us a gift, then money towards our dream honeymoon would be welcomed

Cash For Invite Wording


We have evertything we need after living together for a year, and only ask that you share our special day. However, if you wanted to make a monetary contribution, we would be most grateful, but please do not feel obliged to do so


Cash For Invite Template

The most important thing for us is your presence during the day to celebrate our marriage and gifts are by no means expected. If however, you do feel you would like to give something, then some spending money to enjoy whilst on our dream honeymoon would be very much appreciated.


As we have every thing we need in our home we would be grateful of money, if you wish, as we are looking at having a family holiday with our children.


We respectfully ask that no gifts are brought, if you wish to make a cash gift with which we would like to purchase some larger items for our home, there will be a box at the reception.

Before you go, don't forget to check out our gorgeous selection of printable and printed wedding invitations. Please let us know if we can assist you with anything...

If you’ve been living with your soon-to-be spouse for a while, you may already have everything you need to start your life together. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t use some extra funds for that honeymoon you’ve been dreaming of, or to stow away for your future forever home. But the question of how to ask for cash wedding gifts can be a tough one. The answer is you totally can, but there are some things to keep in mind if you choose to go this route. While etiquette rules have certainly relaxed over the years when it comes to requesting monetary gifts, there are a few no-nos you’ll want to be aware of.

Here, we’ll address the question of how to ask for cash wedding gifts, and some things you should stay away from as well.

Use an online cash registry.

So how exactly do you go about asking for money as a wedding gift? Luckily, there are a few cash registry sites, like Honeyfund, that exist for this very reason. Sites like these allow you to create a registry for just about anything you can imagine, from honeymoons (Traveler’s Joy and Honeymoon Wishes specialize in this) to home improvement projects. You can even choose to donate to your favorite charity! If you decide to register at a site like this, you can alert your guests in the same way you would a traditional registry—on your wedding website.

Try word of mouth.

Maybe you’d like to keep things a bit more casual than actually registering for cash. No worries, there’s still a way to spread the word without coming right out and saying it. Simply have your close family members and your wedding party politely spread the word if anyone should ask them what you’re hoping to receive as a wedding gift. This way, you can still get what you really want while still holding fast to traditional etiquette rules.

Indicate how the cash will be spent.

While most wedding guests today are totally fine with gifting cash, it’s always nice to know that it’s being spent on something important, rather than avocado toast and expensive jeans. So don’t be afraid to let your guests in on your plans! If you’ll be putting the funds toward your dream honeymoon, include an image of the location on your wedding website. Or maybe you’ve been scoping out your first home—let guests know their monetary gift will literally be putting a roof over your head. A small gesture like this will make your guests feel as amazing about their cash gift as they would that adorbs sky-blue stand mixer.

Don’t ask for cash on your invitation.

When thinking about how to ask for cash wedding gifts, there’s one thing you definitely don’t want to do: Ask for cash on your wedding invitation. This faux pas is definitely still considered a no-no. It looks tacky and makes guests feel like you’re only inviting them to get lots of gifts, and this is especially the case when you’re asking for money. So while it’s okay to include registry information on your wedding website, never include it on the actual invitation.

Cash For Invite App

Don’t make cash the only option.

Cash For Investing Activities

No matter how badly you want—or need!—cash for your wedding, there will always be guests who prefer to give material gifts. Call them old fashioned (or obsessed with wrapping gifts?), but it’s just the way it is. As such, it’s a good idea to create a traditional wedding registry in order to honor these guests. After all, you don’t want to force someone to give you a gift they don’t feel comfortable giving. And let’s face it—you don’t want to receive porcelain rooster salt and pepper shakers, right? So even though it feels like you’ve got everything you need, go ahead and create a small registry alongside your cash registry or request—using a site like WeddingWire allows you to create a single registry that includes both traditional and cash gifts.

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